befreeyourself - MORNING BUTTERFLIES

Morning Butterflies    Terry Christenson 2019

     This is a song about a quiet, humble confidence powered by patience. I started climbing late in life. I was in my forty fifth year and found myself in Austin, Texas and was very fortunate to hang out and climb with locals, some of whom were into getting yogafied. I had never stretched a day in my life and it took two years of patience to realize how flexibility is actually power. It took a lot of patience to learn the fundamental body flow of visualize and go. No thinking allowed. Climbing hard is more about letting go than holding on. And if you believe that, soloing is about having your cake and eating it to. Something that doesn’t seem possible. 

    Morning coffee tastes so good when one considers that no matter how hard you train your mind and body, there is still the rock and ice. Its integrity is on you and your judgement as a soloist on any given day. Never lose your fear. Manage it. Morning butterflies have always guarded my heart and reminded me what a great gift life actually is. In the end what takes you is complacency, which is lack of respect and passion.  I’ve always known that it was up to me to make my life rich with personal experience and now more than ever, I'm aware of how short and precious it is.  Cheers. t